Wednesday, October 14, 2020


I am very Happy to say that Fall is here.

Our summers have been mostly over 100 and windy,

which accounts for all the forest fires we have encountered.

Summer was my favorite but NO MORE.

I love the Autumnal colors, and cooler days. 

"Bat wings for Jack" may be one on my last creations.  

I have many sketches but due to hands that are becoming more arthritic, I am unable to execute some of my ideas.  

PLUS, once again we are attempting

to sell our home and move to be closer to family.

I hate moving, but I need to be closer to my children and Grandchildren these days.

This leaves me with very little time to do what I enjoy.

Perhaps, once we get moved and settled, I can resume those pleasures.

I have visited many of you, checking in and leaving no comments.

For now, I wish America and All Health, Safety and Happiness..

God Bless us Everyone,


