Friday, January 26, 2018


It is all punched and need to decide which color of wool to use for the blanket stitched tongues I want to use for the finish.

The gold or burgundy?
I was planning on using the gold, 
but now that I see it in a picture, 
I believe it will be the burgundy. 
Each one offers a different perspective.
What do you think?
H E L P ? ? ? 
Have a great day... I am off for the a.m., TTYL,
Folk Art Hugs,


  1. Hi Barb.
    Yes, I would vote for the burgundy as well!! It is just so pretty!! Great job, my friend!!
    Enjoy your weekend!!
    Heart Hugs~

  2. Thanks you so much my friends. The decision is unanimous. The burgundy wool tongues have been added and all I need is a backing. will do that tomorrow after I\we get back from having stitches removed from both eyelids. You were right Marly, black thread stitches. The ones that dissolve were for the muscle part under the eyelid. I still look creepy. We will see, I hope, as my regular glasses are not much help at this time. That should improve with further healing.
    Have a great week Ladies,
    I am ready for one, Barb
