Wednesday, January 2, 2019


A Little Belated, 
with a Heartfelt wish for all . . . 
* * * Happy New Year for 2019 * * *  
Loving the hectic times for this season,
Now I am ready to get back to routine.
We had an amazing 2018 Family Christmas Gathering. 
I would like to share a sweet story with 
our youngest grandchild Kolton...
  Our family Christmas celebration was amazing.  
It makes such a difference with the presence of smaller/younger children. 
Our youngest grandson, Kolton (5 y.o) and I were sharing
 that Christmas is Jesus's birthday.
 Kolton asked me during our talk how did Jesus get out of Mary's tummy? 
Well, I was flabbergasted and looked at my dil and asked if 
they have had this sort of discussion before (where babies come from)?  
She shook her head "NO, but you can tell him Grama"... 
I thanked Cassie ...
To make a long story short, 
I attempted to explain that the Father is God, 
the Son is Jesus and the Holy Spirit does magic.  
When our discussion finally ended Kolton said too me 
" Oh! God Bless you Grama".

Kohana top, Kolton, Kylie and Kyle now 13 y.o.
Our 4 wonderful grandchildren, the 4Ks.
 Now you know why our Christmas was Special.
 *     *     *     *
Wishing you all a Blessed, Healthy, and safe 2019 . . .

The Shores Family