Something of a TUTORIAL...
My most recent painting is finished...I started to photo the process, but after I got the backrounds based in I got carried away...I LOVE detail work.
First...my rough sketch.
Second...a more refined sketch to scale
5" x 7" in this case.

Third...Design is now traced to a Velum so that
I may apply to painting surface.
Fourth...The sky and hillside colors are base coated,
now ready for the actual pattern to be applied.

Like I said...I got carried away.
Once I started painting the subject matter I just kept going.
It's like 'breaking the ice' for me.
***Here is the Finished Piece***

***Here it is Framed***

Just S O L D this
I will have Christmas Cards
Pear shaped ornies...must see,
cause I think they are awesome...
Hope you do too.
My most recent painting is finished...I started to photo the process, but after I got the backrounds based in I got carried away...I LOVE detail work.
First...my rough sketch.
Second...a more refined sketch to scale
5" x 7" in this case.

Third...Design is now traced to a Velum so that
I may apply to painting surface.
Fourth...The sky and hillside colors are base coated,
now ready for the actual pattern to be applied.

Like I said...I got carried away.
Once I started painting the subject matter I just kept going.
It's like 'breaking the ice' for me.
***Here is the Finished Piece***

***Here it is Framed***
Just S O L D this
I will have Christmas Cards
Pear shaped ornies...must see,
cause I think they are awesome...
Hope you do too.